Institute Fellow

Cherri Holland is a performance and change specialist whose focus over the last 20 years has been a ‘partnership approach’ to business success. Influenced by leaders running successful staff-driven businesses, she has moved hundreds of groups past entrenched ways of working into self-leadership, high performance and flow.

Described as commercially-savvy, engaging and inspirational, Cherri quickly assesses what people and organizations need to fulfil their obligations to the full range of stakeholders. Her clients have consistently said that high expectations of change outcomes have been exceeded. As financial metrics become increasingly tied to customer and staff disengagement, and disengagement is tied to outdated management approaches, businesses need quick ways to hit the reset button.

Cherri has sat alongside leaders undertaking organisation-wide transformation to develop a staff-driven, high performance culture. She co-designs solutions with  people which avoids the natural resistance to externally-imposed models  (leading to costly failure of change programmes). Drawing on both neuroscience and neuromarketing, she mobilizes unused reserves for a positive response to market pressures and/or technology disruption.

Typical assignments have included:

  • developing an employee-driven culture around organizational purpose
  • planning and embedding change so that programmes realize expected benefits
  • responding to complex workplace challenges and stakeholder demands getting the desired outcomes
  • improving key person impact and results — remaining ‘calm under fire’.
  • resolving conflict and negotiating to meet all parties’ needs

Since graduating with a Psychology degree (sub majoring in Industrial Psychology) Cherri has continued to research ways to tap into latent mental reserves for super-performance. She has shown these approaches work across diverse cultures and industries in 10 countries.

Cherri has published the following articles on our site:

Culture for NOW

Culture for NOW

What is Culture? There are various definitions of Organizational Culture. Gallup defines it as "how we do things around here."1  ... Read More
Motivation – Why the Hype?

Motivation – Why the Hype?

You talk with any group of managers and invariably, the word ‘motivation’ comes up. They know – from both personal ... Read More
Structure is NOT Organization

Structure is NOT Organization

I was intrigued by an interview with Jennifer Pahlka (author of Re-coding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital ... Read More
Switching Off Work: Digital Pressure

Switching Off Work: Digital Pressure

Low unemployment or low employment? Unemployment rates are at an all-time low, but to what extent are we actually employing ... Read More
Value vs Values

Value vs Values

The digital era is now well established, yet many still find it mystifying. The Institute launched a book earlier this ... Read More
Data or Deception?

Data or Deception?

An Harvard Business School article caught my eye for a number of reasons: ‘Where Can Digital Transformation Take you? Insights ... Read More
During Disruption, Words Count

During Disruption, Words Count

There have been many parallels drawn between the Coronavirus pandemic and WWII. With VE day so recently commemorated, the media ... Read More
WFH (Working from Home) – A Manager’s Nightmare?

WFH (Working from Home) – A Manager’s Nightmare?

Is this your question: Now that people are working from home, how do we make sure people are productive? Are ... Read More
Human Contribution in a Digital Economy

Human Contribution in a Digital Economy

In a previous article1, I challenged with a choice between profit and people. Most leaders have to make tough calls ... Read More