As I have given speeches and presentations on the ideas behind The Quantum Age and as I have continued to work on the concepts for upcoming articles and a new book (more on that later), it became clear to me that The Quantum Age represents everything that I believe in and exactly what I must be focusing my attention on.

And ironically, that’s why I’ve been a bit absent.
This revelation led me to the belief that I needed to fundamentally change what I was doing in “my day job.” And so, effective last Monday, we officially changed our name from CastlePointe to The IT Transformation Institute to become a chief subscriber and cheerleader behind the concepts of The Quantum Age.

The concepts behind The Quantum Age are still too big for any one firm. It still isn’t about me or my business, but The Quantum Age is fundamentally a story about transformation. It is a vision for how IT organizations must transform themselves into something new – something more than they are today. And helping them begin that journey is what ITTI is all about.

So we have changed our name and opened a new chapter in our own journey. I guess, it has been our own little transformation story. There is a lot of history still to be written, but I know one thing – we are all in. We are committed to becoming a part of this story.

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