Journal of Digital Transformation is the Institute’s free online blog that provides practical insightful approaches to Digital Transformation. It contains hundreds of thought provoking articles from over a dozen Industry Leaders spanning 10 years.

Recent Posts

Kathryn Lancioni - Institute Fellow

Kathryn Lancioni – Institute Fellow

Hillsborough, NJ, June 29, 2024 – The Institute for Digital Transformation is pleased to welcome Kathryn Lancioni as an Institute Fellow ...
Saying “Goodbye” Should be Hard

Saying “Goodbye” Should be Hard

The landscape was snow covered and the roads indiscernible on the December day my family and I moved into our ...
Transformation and Turnover Can’t Coexist

Transformation and Turnover Can’t Coexist

DT usually means digital transformation in our world. Instead let’s outline how another DT (disengagement and turnover) can’t exist with ...
Stefanie Krievins - Institute Fellow

Stefanie Krievins – Institute Fellow

Hillsborough, NJ, May 29, 2024 – The Institute for Digital Transformation is pleased to welcome Stefanie Krievins as an Institute ...
Driving Organizational Success in a Cloud-Migrated World

Driving Organizational Success in a Cloud-Migrated World

According to a Gartner study, 51 percent of IT spending is shifting to the public cloud, replacing traditional, on-premise solutions ...
Retooling Talent: Gaining a Competitive Edge with AI

Retooling Talent: Gaining a Competitive Edge with AI

I’ve always believed that people are an organization’s most valuable assets.  Especially now, with the transformative tide of AI and ...
Culture for NOW

Culture for NOW

What is Culture? There are various definitions of Organizational Culture. Gallup defines it as "how we do things around ...
Jeffrey S. Ton Receives Sagamore of the Wabash Award

Jeffrey S. Ton Receives Sagamore of the Wabash Award

On April 27, 2024, Institute Fellow Jeffrey S. Ton received the Sagamore of the Wabash award. It’s the highest honor ...
Agile Program Management: Boosting Productivity with Calculated Risks

Agile Program Management: Boosting Productivity with Calculated Risks

Introduction In today's dynamic business landscape, organizations are increasingly embracing Agile Program Management as a strategy to  supercharge the efficiency ...
Applying ESG Principles in an IT Organization

Applying ESG Principles in an IT Organization

In the ever-evolving world of information technology, the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles has become increasingly crucial ...
Strategy Execution: What It Takes to Make Great Transformations

Strategy Execution: What It Takes to Make Great Transformations

What does it take to succeed with digital transformation, or conversely, to fail without it? Factors such as a well-defined ...
Motivation – Why the Hype?

Motivation – Why the Hype?

You talk with any group of managers and invariably, the word ‘motivation’ comes up. They know – from both personal ...
The Key to Generative AI Productivity

The Key to Generative AI Productivity

As is the case when truly innovative technologies emerge, the clamor by providers and users of these tools and platforms ...
Digital Transformation Takes a Village

Digital Transformation Takes a Village

Digital transformation takes a village. We often think and speak about this massive organizational endeavor through one lens or another, ...
Leadership Lessons of Ted Lasso

Leadership Lessons of Ted Lasso

I have never been a soccer fan, or should I say fútbol?  So, when I was encouraged to watch the ...
Digitalizing Lean Process Management

Digitalizing Lean Process Management

Digitalizing Lean Process Management The digital transformation cheerleaders promise your business will be faster, better, cheaper and more customer focused ...
Platform Governance in Organizations

Platform Governance in Organizations

In the last two years, we have witnessed the acceleration of digital transformation among organizations, with the adoption of digital ...
Resolving Ethical Dilemmas

Resolving Ethical Dilemmas

In my small contribution to the Institute’s recent LinkedIn Live event, “LDE: Leadership Gift – Wisdom of the Year,” I ...
Digital Leadership and Innovation

Digital Leadership and Innovation

This paper explores the intersection of digital leadership, ethics, and innovation within the United States Air Force (USAF) in the ...
Break Through the Language Barriers of Communication

Break Through the Language Barriers of Communication

Mixed Cultures On the first night of my trip to Edinburgh, Scotland this past November I found myself in a ...
Revolutionizing Reality

Revolutionizing Reality

Recently I visited Las Vegas and was amazed at the latest entertainment factory- The Las Vegas Sphere.  It isn’t often ...
Structure is NOT Organization

Structure is NOT Organization

I was intrigued by an interview with Jennifer Pahlka (author of Re-coding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital ...
Sustainability and Digital Transformation

Sustainability and Digital Transformation

Sustainability and digital transformation are two concepts that have gained significant attention in recent times. Sustainability is “concerned with protecting ...
AI Requires New Business Models

AI Requires New Business Models

Major events in history tend to stick in our memory. We can often go back and remember what we did ...
Evolving Role of the CFO and Digital Transformation of the Finance Department

Evolving Role of the CFO and Digital Transformation of the Finance Department

Evolution of the CFO The role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) continues to evolve and expand due to a ...
Nita Sanger - Institute Fellow

Nita Sanger – Institute Fellow

Hillsborough, NJ, January 5, 2024 – The Institute for Digital Transformation is pleased to welcome Nita Sanger as an Institute ...
The ROI on Customer Experience

The ROI on Customer Experience

In today's competitive business landscape, companies across industries recognize the paramount importance of providing exceptional customer experiences. Customer experience (CX) ...


A few years ago, the focus for improvement in manufacturing was to eliminate waste and variation by implementing Lean and ...
The link between EX and CX

The link between EX and CX

In today's highly competitive business landscape, organizations are increasingly recognizing the critical importance of both employee experience (EX) and customer ...
Disrupting the Health Care Call Center Agent

Disrupting the Health Care Call Center Agent

In my previous post, “Is it time to disrupt your Higher Ed Call Center?” I described an all-too-common experience of ...
EQ in the Age of AI

EQ in the Age of AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to reshape various aspects of our lives, it becomes increasingly important to consider the role ...
Lessons From Digital Transformation

Lessons From Digital Transformation

Earlier this year I participated in a very special event in London, Inspiring Change: Women Transforming Business. I had the ...
Balancing Employee Experience and Employee Engagement

Balancing Employee Experience and Employee Engagement

Employee experience and employee engagement are two critical concepts that profoundly influence an organization's success. Creating a motivated, productive, and ...
How Organizations Achieve Supply Chain Resilience in the Face of Disruption

How Organizations Achieve Supply Chain Resilience in the Face of Disruption

In an era characterized by increasing global interdependence, supply chain resilience has emerged as a critical factor in ensuring business ...
Is it Time to Disrupt Your Higher Ed Call Center?

Is it Time to Disrupt Your Higher Ed Call Center?

I recently received a letter from a major university. The letter stated that they needed some additional information and verification ...
The State of Digital Transformation In Asia

The State of Digital Transformation In Asia

Digital transformation has emerged as a global phenomenon, revolutionizing industries, societies, and economies worldwide. In recent years, Asia has been ...
What Gets Measured Gets Managed

What Gets Measured Gets Managed

It is popular in today’s business environment to separate leadership and management. In this paradigm, leaders inspire and motivate others ...
Intrapreneurship: The Complete Guide to Competitive Advantage - Part 4

Intrapreneurship: The Complete Guide to Competitive Advantage – Part 4

A Blueprint for a Competitive Advantage Introduction Before we dive into the blueprint, let's briefly recap our journey so far ...
The Attention Economy

The Attention Economy

In the digital age, marked by constant connectivity and an ever-expanding array of online platforms, the concept of the attention ...
Switching Off Work: Digital Pressure

Switching Off Work: Digital Pressure

Low unemployment or low employment? Unemployment rates are at an all-time low, but to what extent are we actually employing ...
Intrapreneurship: The Complete Guide to Competitive Advantage - Part 3

Intrapreneurship: The Complete Guide to Competitive Advantage – Part 3

Organizational Success Through Intrapreneurial Innovation Introduction In the previous two articles, we delved into the concept of intrapreneurship, distinguishing it ...
Amazon's Digital Transformation

Amazon’s Digital Transformation

Disrupting Industries Through Customer-Centric Design Amid the whirlwind of technological advancements shaping our modern world, Amazon stands as a shining ...
Intrapreneurship: The Complete Guide to Competitive Advantage - Part 2

Intrapreneurship: The Complete Guide to Competitive Advantage – Part 2

Unlocking Organizational Success Introduction Welcome to Part 2 of our series “Intrapreneurship: The Complete Guide to Competitive Advantage" In Part ...
Introducing the Digital Transformation Readiness Tool

Introducing the Digital Transformation Readiness Tool

If you missed the collaboration announcement with TSO, you can read it here. We are thrilled to announce the first ...
Nora Osman - Institute Fellow

Nora Osman – Institute Fellow

Hillsborough, NJ, September 28, 2023 – The Institute for Digital Transformation is pleased to welcome Nora Osman as an Institute ...